Study Political Science at the IPK

Currently, around 500 students are enrolled in the BA and MA programs we offer at the Department of Political Science. We look forward to welcoming you as part of them in Greifswald!

At the BA level, we offer courses on normative and empirical Political Theory and the History of Ideas, Comparative Politics, International Relations as well as on the German political system. Students can also take courses on social science research methods. To get an idea of the courses currently offered, you are welcome to check out the course catalogue. It contains abstracts of all seminars and lectures in German and English. Next to the title of the seminar, it is indicated whether the course is taught in English or German. 

At the MA level, we offer courses on Political Theory and the History of Ideas, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and methods of political science on a more advanced level. Please check out the course catalogue to get an idea of the courses currently taught. It contains abstracts of all seminars and lectures in German and English. Next to the title of the seminar, it is indicated whether the course is taught in English or German. 

We offer at least one English speaking seminar per module in each semester!

For more information on studying Political Science in Greifswald, have a look at our flyer.

Ansprechpartner / Contact

Political Science

Maximilian Krebs

Chair of International Relations and Regional Studies
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
Room 3.37
Phone: +49 3834 420 3164


Office hours


Communication Studies

Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn

Chair of Communication Studies -
Organizational Communication
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
Room 3.18
Phone: +49 3834 420 3411


Office hours: Please contact me by e-mail