International Exchange

A period of stay abroad during your studies broadens your horizon, trains intercultural competencies and fosters active use of your language skills. We encourage periods of stay abroad. Greifswald’s Communication Studies maintain Erasmus partnerships with the Latvijas Universitáte in Riga, the Universidad de Cádiz and the Universidad de Sevilla. We also have a departmental partnership with Illinois College in Jacksonville. Are you interested in studying at another university abroad for one or two semesters? We also support you with these plans and will verify whether the courses on offer at the other institution can be recognised toward your master’s degree. Your contact for periods of study abroad is Martha Kuhnhenn [de], she will verify the possible recognition of coursework and examinations completed abroad and provide advice for the selection of courses. More on the topic international exchange [de] can be found on the Department’s website and the International Office’s webpages.


Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn
Advisor for periods of stay abroad

Chair of Communication Studies
with a Focus on Organisational Communication
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, Room 3.18
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3411
