Welcome to the master’s degree course Organisational Communication at the University of Greifswald!
This page provides you with all kinds of information about your master’s degree that we have put together as tutors. If you would like further information, event tips or insights, follow the IPK on Instagram.
Subject advisor:
Dr. Henriette Mehlan
Currently on parental leave and covered by
Ulrike Gochermann
Chair of Communication Studies
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, 3rd Floor, Room 3.27
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3415
Periods of stay abroad:
Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn
Chair of Communication Studies
With a Focus on Organisational Communication
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, Room 3.18
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3411
Enrolments to the master’s degree course in Organisational Communication are not subject to admission restrictions and can take place from 2 August to 27 August 2021.
How to enrol (if you have obtained German education certificates) [de]

If you have any questions or need some tips, our tutor Chantal Kratz will be happy to help (tutorium-orgakommuni-greifswaldde). She is currently in her 3rd semester of Organisational Communication and moved to the picturesque Greifswald from the Hanseatic City of Bremen one year ago. She has experienced on-site courses at the University, but also the online teaching during the second semester and is glad to help you find your way at the University and in Greifswald.
What are the first steps?
- Register for seminars and lectures in the University’s HIS portal
- Register Greifswald as your primary residence and get yourself a € 100 contribution to your moving costs
- Setup your uni email account and read your emails regularly. It is also possible to forward your emails to a private email address. Find out more on the Computer Centre’s pages [de].
- Register for the Department’s mailing list [de]
- Setup VPN access to be able to access IT services provided by the Computer Centre when you are not on campus
- Create a user account at the Library
Discover the modules

Organisational Communication provides you with twelve different modules. For example, in the first semester you will take the compulsory theory module that teaches you the basic terms and theories of organisational communication and the sociology of organisations. In addition to these introductory modules, there are modules that teach you about the various types of organisations (social, political and commercial) and how they communicate, as well as modules that are practice-based and specifically focus on communication.
Registration for modules and allocation of places

If you have decided which modules you would like to take in winter semester, register for the respective courses on the University’s HIS portal by 30/09, by accessing the section “Course overview”. The places are allocated after 30/09/2020. Students at more advanced stages of their degrees are given priority when allocating places. Lots will be drawn if the number of students exceeds the number of available seminar places. Students who are on the waiting list can attend the first session of the course to take any of the places that might have become available.
Self-service portal HIS

The self-service portal is your primary source of information. In addition to registering for modules under “Course overview”, you can also view and change your address and telephone numbers under “My Functions - Contact details”. The portal also provides further general information on the Studierendenwerk (Student Services), the Students' Union (AStA) and Greifswald in general. During the semester you have to register for the examinations in HIS under “My Functions - Managing exams” and you can also find your examination results here.
Mensa (cafeteria)

The Mensa, which also provides a broad range of vegetarian and vegan options, has two sites. The Mensa Berthold-Beitz-Platz can be found next to the Central University Library and the Mensa am Campus Loefflerstraße is located near to the Departmental Library and our Department.
If you are looking for a quick bite on the go or before your next seminar starts, there are lots of nearby cafés where you can buy rolls and snacks.
Learning platform Moodle

The lecture and seminar curricula are uploaded to the learning platform at the beginning of the semester. During semester, important documents for the modules will be provided here.
The platform not only provides the lecture scripts and texts, but also discussion forums, glossaries and Etherpads for interactive work.
Student organisations

Would you like to get involved in one of the many student organisations and societies in Greifswald alongside your studies? The NOVA portal [de] is sure to provide you with the information you are looking for, including job offers, internships, organisations and events.
You can also find out more about the various opportunities at Freshers’ Fair, an important component of Freshers’ Week [de]. This is where the societies present themselves and you can ask questions and collect information. Not only organisations and societies from Greifswald and the surrounding region are present at the fair, but also various university facilities, such as the Language Centre.
The Department Student Council [de] represents you! They are students at the Department of Politics and Communication Studies. Apart from answering questions related to studies, the Department Student Council is your contact for any problems that arise and acts as the interface between the Department and the students. The members are re-elected every year and they organise various events, activities and trips to accompany studies. Furthermore, questions, problems and requests can be submitted and discussed at the general assembly that is held once every semester.

The University of Greifswald provides you with various opportunities to attend workshops and courses [de]. The University Library also offers introductory courses on searching for literature with OPAC and Discovery, or an introduction to the reference management software Citavi. Furthermore, the Computer Centre [de] provides courses and programmes for enhancing computer skills, e.g. introductory courses on the functions of the study portal HIS. And also the Studierendenwerk Greifswald (Student Services) offers workshops on study and learning techniques or to help you with applications.
Important note: due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is currently not possible to provide courses.
Sport & leisure

Various types of sports courses help you clear your head during both the teaching and non-teaching periods. University Sport not only provides football, basketball and “legs, bums and tums” courses, but also various kinds of martial arts courses and water sports. Those of you looking to relax and activate your balance can also take part in yoga and stretching courses etc.
The courses don’t all take place in the evening, there are also courses for early birds and at the weekend. It’s worth taking a look at the programme!