
In the following, you see a selection of the Top 15 major publications. You can find a complete list of all publications at the link below. List of publications.

Top 15 major publications

Jahn, D. 2018. The Politics of Environmental Performance. Institutions and Preferences in Industrialized Democracies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Paperback edition, 376 pages.


Bernauer, T., Jahn, D. Kuhn, P, and Walter S. 2018. Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft. (Introduction to Political Science). Baden-Baden. Nomos, (566 pages). Fourth edition (First edition 2009; fifth edition in preparation).


Jahn, D. 2018. Distribution regimes and redistribution effects during retrenchment and crisis: A cui bono analysis of unemployment replacement rates of various income categories in 31 welfare states. Journal of European Social Policy, 28 (5): 433-451-


Jahn, D. 2016. Changing of the guard: trends in corporatist arrangements in 42 highly industrialized societies from 1960 to 2010. Socio-Economic Review 14 (1):  47-71.


Jahn, D. and Stephan, S. 2015. “The Problem of Interdependence.” In: D. Braun and M. Maggetti (eds.), Comparative Politics: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Pp. 14-54.


Jahn, D. 2014. The Three Worlds of Environmental Politics, in Andreas Duit (ed.) State and Environment: The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance. Cambridge (MA): MIT Press (81- 109)


Jahn, D. 2013. Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft (Introduction to Comparative Politics). Wiesbaden: Springer VS, (552 pages). Second edition (first edition 2006).


Jahn, D. 2013. The Impact of Climate on Atmospheric Emissions: Constructing an Index of Heating Degrees for 21 OECD Countries from 1960-2005. Weather, Climate and Society (Journal of the American Metrological Society), 5, 97–111.


Jahn, D. and Oberst, C. 2012. Ideological Party Cohesion in Macro-Comparative Politics: The Nordic Social Democratic Parties from a Comparative Perspective, Scandinavian Political Studies 35 (3): 222-245.


Jahn, D. 2011. "Conceptualizing Left and Right in Comparative Politics: Towards a Deductive Approach." Party Politics, 17 (6):745–765.


Jahn, D. and Kuitto. K. 2011. "Taking Stock of Policy Performance in Central and Eastern Europe: Policy Outcomes between Policy Reform, Transitional Pressure and International Influence." European Journal of Political Research 50 (6):719–48.


Jahn, D. 2006. Globalization as „Galton’s Problem:“ The Missing Link in the Analysis of Diffusion Patterns in Welfare State Development, International Organization 60 (2) 401-431.


Jahn, D. 1998. Environmental Performance and Policy Regimes: Explaining Variations in 18 OECD-Countries, Policy Sciences, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp.107-131.


Jahn, D. and  Storsved, A.-S. 1995. Legitimacy through Referendum? The Nearly Successful Domino-Strategy of the EU-Referendums in Austria, Finland, Sweden and Norway. West European Politics, 18 (3), pp. 18-37.


Jahn, D. 1993. The Rise and Decline of New Politics and the Greens in Sweden and Germany: Resource Dependence and New Social Cleavages. European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 24, No. 3, 1993, pp. 177-194.